How to register app in Azure

Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services to businesses and developers. One of these services is Azure App Registration, which allows you to register and manage your applications in Azure. Registering an app in Azure is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of registering an app in Azure.

Step 1: Sign into Azure Portal

The first step is to sign into the Azure Portal.

Step 2: Create an App Registration

Once you are signed into the Azure Portal, you can create an App Registration by following these steps:

  • In the left-hand menu, click on “Azure Active Directory”.
  • Click on “App registrations” and then click on “New registration”.
  • Enter a name for your app in the “Name” field. This can be any name you choose.
  • Under “Supported account types”, select the option that best describes the type of users who will be using your app.
  • Enter the redirect URI for your app. This is the URI that Azure will redirect users to after they have authenticated with your app. If you’re not sure what to enter here, leave it blank for now.
  • Click on “Register” to create your app registration.

Step 3: Configure your App Registration

Once you have created your App Registration, you can configure it by following these steps:

  • Click on your app registration in the list of app registrations.
  • Click on “Authentication” in the left-hand menu.
  • Under “Redirect URIs”, enter the redirect URI for your app. If you left this blank earlier, enter it now.
  • Under “Implicit grant”, check the box next to “Access tokens” and “ID tokens”.
  • Click on “Save” to save your changes.

Step 4: Create a Client Secret

To allow your app to authenticate with Azure, you will need to create a client secret. Follow these steps to create a client secret:

  • Click on your app registration in the list of app registrations.
  • Click on “Certificates & secrets” in the left-hand menu.
  • Under “Client secrets”, click on “New client secret”.
  • Enter a description for your client secret and choose an expiration date.
  • Click on “Add” to create your client secret.

Step 5: Copy the Application ID and Client Secret

To use your app with Azure, you will need to copy the Application ID and Client Secret. Follow these steps to copy the Application ID and Client Secret:

  • Click on your app registration in the list of app registrations.
  • Under “Overview”, copy the “Application (client) ID” and save it somewhere safe.
  • Under “Certificates & secrets”, copy the value of the client secret you just created and save it somewhere safe.

Congratulations! You have now registered your app in Azure and obtained the necessary credentials to use it. You can use these credentials to authenticate with Azure and access Azure services from your app.

Step 6: Test your application.

To test your registered application is configured properly or not. Follow the below steps:

  • Click on Enterprise application in Azure Active Directory
  • Click on the application you registered
  • Under the application configuration page click on Provisioning logs and check each logs.